Sunday, March 07, 2010

Equipment Help ~Pretty Please~

LOL No really I am not trying to make up for almost 7months of neglect in one night, just not going to annoy you all with mounds of photos via e-mail. Nicky is getting fitted for his AFOs this week and while they are at it his OT and PT are ordering the equipment we'll need when he starts JK in September (lets hope they don't take as long to come in as the Kid Kart or we still wont see them until the end of this year/beginning of next year).

Anyway, I'm looking for input from my fellow CP mommy's as to which is the best wheelchair and walker, from everyone else feel free to say which ones you like best too. If you have better suggestions, please tell me what equipment you use, we though we did an awesome job when we picked out the Kid Kart but it turned into nothing but a big head ache. Keep in mind that the wheelchair have to have the transit option as he will be bused to school next year and can not be bused without the transit option. He also wants to be able to move it himself, he doesn't have the strength yet to use a walker full time. (sorry I lost my bookmarks lol I did have a few more wheelchairs in mind but I'm sure my CP mommy's wont let us down and will make sure we know which the better ones are!)


Super Kid


Kaye Walker



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We did a trial with Alyssa's walkers and I would go with the Kaye, the Gator, Croc, and Rifton (I know you mentioned it before) all seem a lot heavier. They Kaye was easier to move, break down for transport, and wasn't as hard on the back for loading.

I don't have an opinion on wheelchairs as we are still using our stroller. Alyssa isn't anywhere near being able to move a wheelchair herself so she'll be going to an electric one when she goes to school. Have you thought of an electric one? I know Nicky is still pretty young and I'm not sure what his upper body strength is but it may do him more good.