Saturday, February 07, 2009

February 7th

While Mike is in the field this weekend and we have all been bored out of our minds lol No car and since the stroller is still broken (THANKS MIKE!!) we haven't been running around too much, we did go to the mall Friday night and that was horrible! Every time I turned around the wheel was coming off, not to mention all of the boys were in a mood lol basically grabbed milk and tried to run home asap. By the looks of things though my appointment with plastics is not going to be a pleasant one on Monday, my finger is even worse, painful pins and needles and parts of it are still completely numb. There has been no real improvement except for the swelling going down a bit and getting feeling back below the cut (lost feeling there from the swelling not the cut). Everyone is laughing but agreeing that surgery is most likely in my future, the laughing they may try to stifle but come on people....I cut my finger I didn't lose my hearing!!! lmao I know you are laughing at me, heck I'm still laughing at me! All I can say about now is this year is going to be ummm....interesting???!? Just wish I could use it, it's a PITA, it's been doing nothing but getting in my way I'll grab at something and bend it backwards, sure the finger itself doesn't hurt but I can still feel it trying to rip away from my hand and THAT hurts lol It's either that or like when I am typing, I *think* I'm hitting the keys with it because my mind for a second forgets it's not working and I'll look up and every letter my mind thought I hit with it are missing so I have to go back and fix everything. I wont even get into getting the kids dressed, carrying the babies around, or trying to put bottle bags in the bottles HAHAHA lets just say I've been having a ton of fun the past few days....thank goodness Joey is old enough to help out or I would be screwed! Never realized how hard coat zippers are to do up when you can't grab the coat properly. Okay I'm done my *poor me* post lol guess I'll just have to stop whining and learn to deal with it, I sure am the smartest person time I will at least make sure I do a better job at trying to take my finger off haha


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